
Type Size mm Price £ Multiple Discount Price (3 plus) £
Regular 90 x 43 £35 n/a
Double 90 x 89 £65 £55
Quarter Page Horizontal 135 x 90
Vertical 90 x 135
£85 £75
Half Page 135 x 186 £160 £140
Full Page 275 x 186 £320 negotiable
Advertorial ½ page, photo with 150 words £100  
Flyer Insert For standard A5 flyers
(Printing if required, price negotiable)
£100/1000 flyers  

Copy Deadline Dates 2024

Edition Date
February 17th January 2024
March 14th February 2024
April 13th March 2024
May 17th April 2024
June 15th May 2024
July 12th June 2024
August 17th July 2024
September 14th August 2024
October 11th September 2024
November 16th October 2024
December / January 14th November 2024



About Debi Webster

The pricing opposite is per advertisement.
We offer discounts when 3 or more adverts are booked or if you wish to become a regular advertiser and advertise bimonthly or monthly.

How To Do It

How To Do It Please email me if you wish to advertise prior to copy deadline date and let me know what size advert you wish to book.
Print ready copy is to be submitted to me via email either in pdf format or as a png/jpeg photo.

If you do not have a print ready advert prepared, please email me any information, images, logos you would like included in the advert and any design ideas, preferences and I can compile the advertisement for you this service is free of charge.
A proof copy will always be sent to you prior to printing for your approval.


Sponsorship We offer 2 annual sponsorship packages, one for a half page advert and one for a full page advert. Whichever you choose your advertisement is guaranteed a prominent position within the magazine each month, promotion on our Jed Eye Facebook page and a link through to your website from The Jed Eye website, as well as being highlighted at the front of The Jed Eye magazine as a sponsor. Plus with our new Contact Hub on Jedburgh High Street we also offer promotional space within the hub.

Contact me for more information.
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