What's On

What's On In Jedburgh Our monthly round up of events covers what’s on in Jedburgh, Ancrum, Denholm and St Boswells and all the places in between. Be it your village hall coffee morning, a charity pudding night, community cinema listings or your next society meeting, we can share it for you. Just send all the details to the editor’s email address.


Letters to The Jed Eye Tell us your thoughts. Whether it be feedback on the magazine’s stories or a simple thank you for the birthday cards, we are happy to share your letters to the editor. Free reign to say what you think, make a plea for help or simply have a rant! Your letters can be printed anonymously, but the editor will need your name and contact details which will be held confidentially.


Magazine Features The Jed Eye is lucky to have some excellent contributors who help provide a range of features each month. Local historian Chris J Veitch’s ‘Then and Now’ page uses his astounding archive of photographs and unrivalled local and historical knowledge of Jedburgh to create an enthralling read each month. Meanwhile Jedburgh storyteller James Spence shares tales and novel stories from around the time but in old Scots language.

Our Taste & Tipple page casts an eye on local food and drink producers as well as providing seasonal food features and tips. The Eye Spy column highlights the far-flung locations and even staycations where the magazine has been taken by our readers. Meanwhile the Eye from the Sky photographs shows Jedburgh from above thanks to local photographer Steven Somerville and his drone.


Sport in Jedburgh Jedburgh has a wealth of sports clubs from badminton and bowling to rugby and football not to mention golf, martial arts and horse riding. Our monthly round-up keeps readers up to date with how they’re faring as well as highlighting upcoming fixtures, training nights and presentation evenings. The Jed Eye also enjoys highlighting personal achievements our sporting stars both at a local and national level, and your sporting submissions are always welcome.


About As the name suggests The Jed Eye is aimed at highlighting what’s going on in the town be that good, bad, upsetting or just a bit bizarre!

But it is more than an eye on Jed and the surrounding area. Like all print publications it’s a public record and it’s our duty to make sure we’re presenting it and filling it in the best way possible.

We redesigned the magazine from front to back in 2023 to make sure we could fit in more news and views and more photos, adverts and informative graphics.

There’s lots of good people and groups doing great work in the town and The Jed Eye aims to not only celebrate and publicise them but indeed make sure we are one of them.

We show no political, ethical, or religious bias and hold no agenda other than to serve the town’s interests, educate, entertain and inform.

So, if you’ve a story you’d like us to cover, a feature we should consider or a letter you want us to share we’d love to hear from you.

The Jed Eye’s readership spans across the globe thanks to those townsfolk who post it off to far-flung relatives and friends and also thanks to those who subscribe to read it online.

We love hearing your feedback and I can be contacted through our Facebook page or by emailing the editor.



Newspaper Stories The Jed Eye aims to publicise all the positive news and achievements in Jedburgh and the surrounding area. We are here to tell and share your stories.
We want to celebrate the good work, generosity and ingenuity of townsfolk and groups every month. But we also aren’t afraid to speak up and be a voice for the town when it comes to contentious issues or problems. We are happy to support campaigns and push for change and hold others to account.

The magazine is also a platform for sharing what our local clubs, charities and service providers are up to and we feature monthly columns from the Rotary Club, town’s health centre and youth club.

Whether it’s a charity effort, a celebration, an appeal for help or a niggling concern you want publicised please do get in touch with your story.
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