Our People

Kathryn Milne - Editor Contact
Deborah Webster - Production and Advertising Contact
Fiona Ralston - Accounts/Admin Contact
Dennis Laing - Photography
Jane Neagle - Proof Reader

Committee Members

Graham Fry - Chair / Treasurer
Deborah Webster - Vice Chair / Secretary
Fiona Ralston
Kathryn Wylie
Dennis Laing
James Spence
Garry Feldman
Annika Dowson

Contact Form


Would you like to join our group?

How To Do It We are looking for people to become members and volunteers to join us and share both your ideas for the magazine and time in helping with its production and in the Contact Hub.

The range of tasks undertaken by volunteers is varied and interesting, whether helping with deliveries, proofreading, contributing copy, manning the hub, helping with events and fundraising, participating in community initiatives.

Please fill in the form above choosing the ‘membership’ drop down contact.
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